Healthy Kids Book (downloadable PDF)


After battling for many years with ear infections, tonsillitis, allergies, hay fever, and a host of other problems considered ‘normal’ in children by most people, Mary-Ann discovered how simple and easy it was to attain health by following basic natural principles.

Raising children should be a joy, uncomplicated and rewarding. By following these guidelines, you will find you spend less time in doctors waiting rooms and save money on medical bills. You will have more time (and money) to spend with your family, and your levels of stress will be dramatically lowered as you take control of your, and your children’s health.

In this book, Mary-Ann offers basic dietary principles in a practical, easy-to-apply format. She covers the entire timeline, from preparing your body for pregnancy through the baby stages, into school, and into the teenage years.

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Mary-Ann is passionate about education because she believes it is the key to unlocking knowledge and power. By understanding the fundamentals of health and wellness, individuals can tap into their own innate healing and take control of their well-being. The books featured here are transformative, empowering, and accessible, making it easy for anyone to grasp the concepts, regardless of their scientific background. Healthy living becomes an enjoyable and effortless journey through these insightful books and recipe books, empowering you to nurture your body and mind through a whole-food, plant-based lifestyle.


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