Herbal FiberBlend Capsules


A combination of natural herbs + plants designed to regulate the bowels. Ideal for upset stomachs as in food poisoning, constipation and irritable bowel syndrome. Both our daughters safely used this product during their pregnancies.

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    Herbal Fiberblend Capsules

    280 vegetarian capsules

    Eating high-fiber foods is considered a healthy choice for most people, but few of us consume the necessary fiber to cleanse the digestive system adequately. AIM Herbal FiberBlend® is a unique and powerful combination of cleansing herbs and psyllium to sweep the digestive system clean of toxins and food debris. Available in tradition and raspberry flavors and vegetarian capsules.

    • 10 Reasons to use Herbal Fibreblend 1.     Herbal Fibre is a unique combination of herbs and fibre that will help regulate your bowel function, correcting diarrhea and constipation reduces incidences of diverticulitis, colon cancer and appendicitis2.     Herbal Fibreblend helps correct food poisoning in as quickly as 15 minutes. Nausea, headaches and diarrhea are gone, and your bowels work fantastically the next day – do not travel without this stuff!3.     Herbal Fibreblend is not addictive

      4.     Herbal Fibreblend regulates blood sugar because of the unique water soluble fibre contained in it.

      5.     Herbal Fibreblend helps keep your body free of parasites

      6.     Herbal Fibreblend gets rid of old fecal matter that can lie around in your colon for years. You will find your stomach is flatter after taking it for at least 1 month.

      7.     Herbal Fibreblend will help your body detoxify more efficiently because of the unique combination of herbs, fibre and plant extracts

      8.     Herbal Fibreblend is completely natural and contains no fillers or preservatives.

      9.     Herbal Fibreblend increase friendly bacteria in the gut and may help correct Candida issues

      10.  Herbal Fibreblend has been found in some to lower cholesterol levels

    Weight 0.38 kg


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